Guillaume Pitron can be reached via this form or at: guillaume_pitron [a]
To request an interview in French, contact the author or Anne Vaudoyer in France (, Simone Sauren in Quebec (, Ilaria Campodonico in Italy (, Emily Cook ( and Natalie Stamatopoulos ( in the USA, Adam Howard in England and Ireland ( and Cora Roberts in Australia (
For conference invitations, the author and Alexandra Deluzurieux can also be reached via Alexandra Deluzurieux at
Guillaume’s work has been translated into English (Scribe), Spanish (Península/Planeta), Italian (Luiss University Press), Korean (Galapagos), Russian (AST), Japanese (Hara Shobo), Taiwanese (Commonwealth) and Polish (Kogut).
To acquire foreign rights to the book, contact Julián Nossa: or Sophie Langlais:
Guillaume Pitron regularly recruits students from France’s political science (Sciences Po), business and journalism schools to help with background work and investigations. Feel free to submit an application.
Follow Guillaume Pitron on Twitter (@GuillaumePitron) and LinkedIn:
Download Guillaume Pitron’s photographies here. Please include the appropriate credit.